Set up of the CSF

Lessons on Teams

Lesson 2

How to set up a Team for the Community Support Fund [CSF] (City Support Fund, Country Support Fund).

All MySPURT clients have to support their City and Country.
In some cases, it might be so that townships can have their own CSF. This depends on how many Teams are working in that community. Normally there will be ONE CSF in a city. All townships can choose one of their people, with knowledge or the willingness to learn, to be part of the CSF. The reason that we prefer to have ONE CSF in a city is that we can avoid Nepotism, false loyalty and corruption.

What is a CSF?

Please see this link for more information
The CSF is an important part of the community and can support a city or country to flourish.
The CSF consists always of 7 people. They hold ALL funds of the city or township. They have to provide specific reports to the Country Foundation.

What can those funds be?

1. It can be a certain amount requested for opening MySPURT accounts.
2. Each Supplier selling its future production to MySPURT (New Chances) is automatically adding 20% of his total revenues in SPURT to the CSF of the city he lives in and 5% to the country.
3. Each Referrer of a new Supplier is earning 10% of what the referred Supplier is receiving. 20% of that amount is automatically going to the City of the referrer. 5% is going to the Country of the Supplier.
4. Money earned out of businesses.

The task of the CSF

1. CSF is responsible for taking good care of the money.
2. They can start projects for the country or city.
3. They will have to approve money to be spend for, for example, WIFI and other costs for a township that brought new clients to MySPURT and paid for those clients.

Until a CSF is CHOSEN, Sound Prosperity will have the control of ALL incoming money.

Who can choose for the CSF?

ALL Sound Prosperity Members in a city, or in rare cases in a community, can choose ANONYMOUSLY for people who offered to be willing to become one of the SEVEN CSF members.
For that purpose there is a need for people interested in fulfilling this job. We are looking for people who are trustworthy but also willing AND capable of learning to do business the way we do business. (Non-depletion). We advise all people interested to present themselves by sending a Cirruculum Vitae.
If a person is choosen with at least 60 points, he can be in the CSF for the next 6 month, where a new voting will take place.

Until a CSF is CHOSEN, Sound Prosperity will have the control of ALL incoming money.

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