More Information on
Sound Prosperity Teams

Lessons on Teams

Lesson 1
How and when to set up an administrative Team.

In each of the active townships or cities there might be a need for an administrative Team.

What is the task of an administrative Team?

1. They can help the members with Signing up for a Sound Prosperity Membership, or for the Rules and Regulations for Teams.
2. They can sign up for I offer a Job and check if the members indeed work the required minimum hours a week.
3. They can help setting up email addresses and adding info @myspurt. org to their safe emails by going to settings, filter.
4. They can teach the MySPURT clients to confirm the registration email.
5. They can teach how to request a compensation in SPURT for Health Care Costs and for Education costs.
6. They can support in selling the production for one year to MySPURT (New Chances.)
7. Help set up a budget for a Team.
8. They might be hired by other Teams for doing administrative work for them, like bookkeeping.
9. They can offer their work to any person in their city, to do their bookkeeping.
10. They might support people to fill in forms for the government.
11. If they have knowledge, they might even offer tax advises.
12. Etc. You might have other ideas on how to start earning money, besides the SPURT you will receive for your work.

Registration for MySPURT accounts

From any of the “township” administrative Teams, will be CHOSEN, by all administrative Team members, anonymously, TWO people who travel around the city, registering the new MySPURT clients. They will have to sign a contract that they will never expose the information of clients to ANY person or instance. There are ONLY numbered accounts in MySPURT.
In the beginning two TEMPORARYLY by Sound Prosperity appointed people are assigned to do the job. They will be replaced as soon as a few administrative Teams in each of the townships are installed.

You are interested to be a part of an administrative Team?

An administrative Team should not have more than 5 people and CAN consist of less people as an exception to our 5-10 people rule, UNLESS the Team is offering services all over the city or country. If that is the case, expertise can be added by taking more people in the Team with specific qualifications.

Please think about your expertise. WHAT can you offer? What is your strength and are your skills? Do you really LIKE to do administrative work? You cannot say: I want to be part of an administrative and only pick one or two tasks from the above list. How do you want to present your Team? Do you have others, you would trust with your heart who would complete your Team? If that is so, go to and click on the three lines ≡ on the left hand side to find the label Teams. You will find a form to apply to be approved to be a Team. It might be wise to see the other helpful links on Teams.

Make a GAME Plan, see the information to Business Plans under the label TEAMS too. Add the Game Plan to your request. See how you can present your business, for that is what is has to be, also to people not involved in Sound Prosperity. You will want to earn not only SPURT, but also USD.

When can you be an active Team?

There will be a Team that can check and approve on Teams. Until that Team is active, Sound Prosperity will have the task to check on your Game Plan.

What is the PURPOSE of your Team or Circle?

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